

Shepherds Bush Empire, London GB 


15 février 2008



In the Autumn of 2007, Planet Rock Radio changed my life in so far as the way I looked at music. They played a song so powerful, that I felt compelled to pull my cab over to listen without distraction.
'So Many Roads', an old blues standard covered by Joe Bonamassa, which left me with goosebumps on my arms, and in a cold sweat! I knew then, that I had to see this guy and five or so months later, I left Bonamassa's gig at Shepherds Bush feeling like I'd witnessed the second coming! Not only did JB instantly become my favourite guitarist, but he also gave me a new feeling for the Blues which I'd barely appreciated despite years of listening to Blues influenced Rock like AC/DC, Deep Purple etc. It was as if every note he played was registering in my soul as well as my ears, with phenomenal solos augmenting the incredible songwriting and playing. On the brilliant 'Woke up Dreaming" he played an acoustic guitar better and more powerfully than some guitarists can when wielding a Les Paul or a Stratocaster! End result, leaving the concert with a grin on my face as big as you'd expect from someone who'd just been blown by Kelly Brook whilst Lucy Pinder was tonguing their balls!
Probably one of the most important concerts I've ever been to!
ajouté par Martin Hizer

Concert ajouté par Martin Hizer
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