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Whether you operate as an established startup or as an international corporation, using AI in your customer service and user engagement tasks can be beneficial. AI can enhance your writing skills by enhancing formatting, proofreading data analytics, formatting, as well as other functions.

A recent survey revealed that 56.5% of CMOs are employing AI to tailor content, while 33.9% use AI writers assistants to improve their writing. AI can be used to create new content, in addition to being used as an assistant tool used by media organizations such as The Washington Post. Read this: AI writing assistant for new information.

The AI will not interfere with your freedom or your editorial choices as a writer. Instead it will be looking for errors, check the facts and formatting your writing. Let's look at ways to efficiently use AI writing assistants when it comes to customer service to the benefit of your clients and writers alike.

Benefits of using AI Writing Assistants
What's the purpose of the use of AI writers in customer service? To understand this we must consider the two types of AI involved in creating content - machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Machine learning is a form of AI algorithm which relies on large quantities of data to learn from chatbots - think of chatbots. NLP nevertheless monitors your current interactions and services to assist in whatever task you are performing at that moment. Siri and Alexa are just a few of the NLP AI we are familiar with.

When it comes to customer service, both these algorithms are able to improve the experience for your customers. While NLP can be utilized as an AI writing assistant tool in-house, machine learning AI such as chatbots could help customers in a way that is autonomous. Combining the two can dramatically improve your ability to handle customer support requests and keep customers engaged. These are just some of the many advantages you can enjoy by combining the two.

Write more significant material for your clients quicker
The algorithm is always in motion and is constantly learning to improve your experience
AI can assist you in resolving support tickets even if you're stuck
AI analyses data and generates reports more quickly and efficiently than humans.
An AI assistant can add or exclude information as you wish
AI writing assistants are far less expensive and more cost-effective compared to hiring more support or writing staff.
Indexing of Keyword Sensitive Customer Service

When customer service requests come your way You can make use of the AI writing assistant tool to index them more precisely. You can ask the AI to classify customer service tickets based on the keywords utilized when writing their documents.

This allows you to reduce time since AI will look over every ticket and pinpoint the issue prior to you. After the AI has confirmed what you have found then you can respond to the query and provide feedback about how it performed. Your AI writer assistant will improve as time passes by at indexing keywords and will improve customer service.

New Customer Service Tickets with Improved Content

It is easy to use AI writing aids by having them format and grammar check your writing. AI algorithms can track the writing process and offer suggestions on ways to make sentences more readable to clients. Your writing skills, combined with an AI for proofreading, can lead to very professional and trustworthy responses to your clients.

This is crucial if your company is an author or digital marketing agency that requires expert-level writing. You can also use GetGoodGrade to get your work checked for formatting or stylistic mistakes that may be beyond the AI's capabilities. Combined, this can increase satisfaction with your customers as well as quicker resolution of support tickets, and a better image for your company's image.

Localizing and translating customer service efficiently

There's a high likelihood that your customers come from different countries and have different languages. Instead of making English or other languages as the primary language, you can meet with your customers face-to-face and translate their responses in writing. A writing assistant is more effective than auto-translate tools for customer service.

An AI writing assistant can assist you serve customers from all over the world by translating their queries into your language and your responses back, to their own. This is an extremely useful supplement to customer service which is usually dependent on the ability of customer service to comprehend the request of the customer. When you give the AI with feedback, it can improve its ability to translate foreign phrases and lingo. This makes it an even more effective writing assistant.

To Sum Up
It's easy to get scared at the thought that AI writers will result in actual content creators and editors losing their jobs in the future. AI is still unable to manage complicated customer service inquiries or lengthy editorials as in addition to other high-level service categories.

We are far from AI algorithms taking over traditional content writing or customer service roles. Their role could and should be delegated to writers assistants, who are actually professionals who work for the benefit of the company's customers. Take what we've discussed into consideration when deciding to integrate artificial intelligence writing assistant software into your customer service workflow.